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Best Weapons In Rimworld

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by lesnaforxa1980 2020. 2. 11. 22:58


The DPS stats are theoretical - only if every shot hits. They mean very little in a game situation. Combat is all about being able to adapt to a situation. It depends how you play, but rarely will any of the other guns be more effective than the AR or the charge rifle. I personally like to make my defensive zones build around long corridors, and it has worked to great success with assault rifles.

Full analysis of all aspects of ranged combat, including best weapon. Everything you wanted to know about Rimworld Guns, but couldn't be bothered to work out.

Charge rifles are extremely expensive to make and they are late-game. If you have one, though, definitely equip it! I did say that in end-game situations they are the best and you would change your defense set-up to suit them accordingly.Sniper rifle remains essential for special hunting, for poison/psychic ships, for special aggro operations against sappers, and for attacking sieges.Also you construct a sleeping spot at the end of your corridor of death and aim your trigger-happy colonist at it with their minigun for special points.All of this depends on how much you min-max, and like I said, adapting. I probably wouldn't spend entire seasons making assault rifles if I had already scavenged 5 or 6 decent shotguns from raiders. I'd change my defensive set up to optimize the use of that (incl defensive repair-turrets), and use the crafting time to make armor and other gear. At least until a few years in maybe I'd consider a massive upgrade or something.

You just gotta play the hand you're dealt.Edit: one more thing to note is whether you're building them yourself or not. When you see that survival rifle uses almost the same amount of steel and component as an AR, you start to feel pretty dumb to not make the AR, unless you're swimming in steel and components or something. The survival rifle is about equal with the Great Bow in battle situations.

If that's the tier of weapon you want, rather build Great Bow and not have to use any components. It is not a bad thing. I have taken down a poison ship (2 scyther and 1 centipede) with 4 great bows and an improvised defensive bunker. Agreed, I meant to grab the DPS adjusted for weapon accuracy (the accuracy between the two weapons if pretty similar though). Besides the slight differences in accuracy they have identical firing characteristics beyond range and damage so I think DPS (adjusted for accuracy) is a very valid statistic to compare the two.Really though what gets me about building weapons isn't the cost in resources, it's the time required to build them. Guns are everywhere and there's a hundred things I'd rather my top level crafters be doing than spending time and resources making an item of random quality.

Rimworld Charge Lance

If I need an edge I'd rather build a better kill-box than a better gun, that's way more fun!. Survival Rifles are a great substitute sniper rifles. They out-range most guns in the game, they outrange centipedes, they have respectable dps, and they are accurate at every range except touch (if you have a superior survival rifle it is 100% accurate at every range). The rate of fire is much better for shoot and scoot, and it doesn't suffer from total failure at short ranges like sniper rifles do.The only things the Sniper Rifle does better is picking off Scythers from afar and attacking Sieges. It's all situationally dependent but here are the best guns and what situation they're good for.Assault Rifle and Charge Rifle should be tied for 'best main weapon' but I like the AR more than the CR. Charge rifle has higher DPS but that's only if your fighting at charge rifle distances.

I prefer the assault rifle over the charge rifle mainly because of its superior range, but it's accuracy is also a good reason.Sniper rifles don't have great DPS but are still a must-have weapon for any colony that has more than a couple of gunners. They're often necessary to bait enemies into a kill zone where your other gunners lie-in-wait.


Once the enemy takes the bait, pull your snipers further back than your other colonists and they'll be less likely to take harm while still doing damage. Sniper duty is good for any colonist where you don't want to risk injury to them (due to them having high essential skills like medicine or cooking).Minigun. The perfect use for colonists with the 'trigger-happy' trait. The minigun should be thought of as an Area-of-effect weapon and the shooting skill of the user is less important due to the 'forced missed radius' property of the minigun. As your colony grows in size, you'll want to employ at least a couple of minigun users to deal with big balls of infantry or manhunters. Friendly fire is a HUGE issue with miniguns, so I pull my minigun users out of combat if the enemy starts to get too close.

Survival Rifles and machine pistols are also good weapons.The survival rifle can be thought of as a mix between an AR and a sniper function-wise. It's range is right between those two weapons, and it has superior accuracy to the sniper, but it's DPS is a bit lower. The thing that really makes survival rifles a great option is that it only takes 834 work units to produce whereas the AR/CR/Sniper all take 2000 (and those take FOREVER to produce).The machine pistol is a good close-up weapon much like the shotgun is. It's range can be crippling though if you're fighting at large distances in the open against other gunners and once enemies start packing numerous charge rifles you may want to stop using them and switch to using CRs or ARs. Where machine pistols really shine is if you can force enemies into machine pistol range (ie: by hiding around corners).

It's a bit more complex than straight DPS.The big thing is that the survival rifle has neither the massive single shot damage of a sniper rifle that's able to incapacitate or outright kill in one shot, nor does it have the high volume of fire that gives a very high chance of doing significant damage to the enemy's stats and rendering them less of a threat.That being said, I do agree that the survival rifle definitely has its place, particularly in a crashlanded scenario. One big advantage is that their high base accuracy means their lower quality variants still have some use. This means you can make a quick push for machining after getting stonecutting and quickly crank out 2-3 survival rifles with your mid-skill crafter. Eventually I end up with 1/2 sniper rifles 1/2 charge rifles and a decent number of miniguns, plus the occasional non-violent or brawler colonist with personal shields. For mechs, You need MASSIVE numbers of sniper rifles, in order to deal with them quickly, and at range, before they take down your shield users.

It is the first thing I start putting components and steel towards, after my colony has been stabilized. They are unfortunately pretty useless against hordes, so it's good to have something to switch them out for.Charge rifles are a must to deal with infestations. They are also, I think, the best weapons for stopping a charge before it hits your sandbag line. You can also scavenge a lot of them off raider corpses, so getting a decent supply isn't too difficult. Also, eventually, you'll have the supplies to make them, since you'll get to the point where plasteel is relatively less limited than steel.You need some miniguns to deal with rushes.

Combined with a properly built killzone, and good micro, they're incredible. I keep a small stock of them near the front line, so I can switch my snipers onto them if needed. Also, one or two spare triple rocket launchers.The most important thing is proper micro. Always manually assign targets to all your pawns, it is absolutely necessary to make sure pawns are splitting their fire, rather than overkilling the one or two closest raiders.

Rimworld Best Weapon For Brawler

Make sure miniguns are firing into the middle of hordes, take down any rocket raiders with snipers ASAP, etc.I don't like ARs. They OK all around, but excel at nothing. Engaging mechs at that range is just too risky. There's always a better weapon than an AR depending on the situation, if you are have the resources at patience to switch weapons around for different raids.